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Employee Engagement

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3 Critical Metrics Most Contact Centers Aren’t Measuring

Here, we’ll look at three metrics that less than a third of contact centers are measuring. To better understand the story behind the numbers, we reached out to Robin Gariess, CEO and Principal Analyst at Metrigy, for her key takeaways.
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Contact Center Horror Stories

If you’ve ever worked in a contact center, you know that challenging customer behavior isn’t seasonal. But since October is a month of spooky and frightful things, we thought you might enjoy a few horror stories from the contact center realm.
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How WFO Reduces Agent Stress as Customer Service Becomes More Complicated

Now that agents are working remotely, it can be more challenging to know if they’re getting the coaching they need to be successful. Let’s look at how Five9 has integrated WFO into these core applications to reduce agent stress and streamline operations.
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Lower Your Agent Attrition with Proactive Contact Center Management

The role of a contact center supervisor or manager is tough. Leaders must juggle several strategic initiatives while fostering a supportive environment for agents. Dealing with high agent attrition rates adds even more stress for managers. Management plays a large role in creating the type of atmosphere and culture that keeps agents happy in their role. Here are some helpful, proactive ways you can drive higher agent engagement and, in turn, help to reduce attrition rates.
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6 Simple Steps to Evaluate your Gamification Cycle

We created a simple gamification cycle to evaluate the gamification strategies you currently have in place and show you how to implement new ones. This way, your contact center constantly evolves to create the highest level of agent engagement and performance.
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Five9 Knows Business Process Outsourcers

As a BPO, you must remain flexible enough to satisfy every client’s whim, while keeping costs in check and service levels satisfactory. Your success comes from managing to consistency in the business, all while providing a brand-match for your clients.
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What is meant by an Engagement Capacity Gap?

Businesses today are in a tough place. Organizations must manage the increasing number of interactions and channels while balancing customer and employee expectations. Meanwhile resources tend to remain flat or even decrease. Huw Jones from Verint checks in and checks out what can be done.
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Five9 and ServiceNow Combine AI Tools to Create Efficiency for Customers and Agents

Whether a customer engages with an IVA or a human service agent, Five9 and ServiceNow know how to ensure that you can provide a great experience.
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Turning CX Numbers into CX Insight

Thomas John from the Five9 Partner team investigates the potential of Workforce Optimization (WFO) in turning CX Numbers into CX Insight for vastly improved CSAT performance.
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Bracing for the Great Resignation: 5 Ways Workforce Optimization Can Refine Remote Work

With more than half of Americans planning to search for a new job over the next 12 months, many employers are looking for ways to keep their workers engaged. Most of us have adjusted to a remote or a hybrid work style, but now it’s time for companies to rethink what that experience is like. They’ll need to re-evaluate – not just from a technology and environment standpoint but from a leadership, change management, and career-growth perspective as well.
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