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Turning CX Numbers into CX Insight

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Thomas John VP Channels EMEA

Thomas John is Vice President of Channels for Five9 with a proven 23 year track record in Telephony and IT, especially focused on Enterprise Cloud Contact centre, Web & Mobile Unified Communications, Agent and Customer Experience as well as Journey Analytics to measure their effectiveness. Focused on the EMEA geography, Thomas has developed the Five9 partner ecosystem into a balanced, powerful and successful route to market.

Famous American computer scientist and mathematician Richard Hamming once said that “the purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.” That logic is difficult to argue against – and the CX industry is informed by numbers that are driving profound changes in how businesses (and the clients they’re interacting with) are behaving.

In Five9’s 2021 CSI study, 30% of respondents stated that they’d walked away from a business they’d been loyal to because of a bad customer experience with the contact centre. With numbers that scary, it’s obviously important for a business to pivot with speed and agility on the back of solid insight when required. Historically this has been a difficult, laborious, largely manual, and rigid process. Surveys, feedback, mystery shoppers/callers, spreadsheets, covert eavesdropping on customer interactions. Meh and blah and humbug.

Surely there’s a better way?

Surely, we have more evolved technology in 2021!? Surely these technologies have improved how we understand our contact centres!?? With the right tooling, they surely have.

If you’re reading this blog, you don’t have to go that far to find the best tooling out there. It’s called Workforce Optimization (WFO for short), and below are some of the top ways you can use leading edge WFO to provide the numbers and insight that can help you continuously improve CX:

  1. Record 100% of customer interactions (along with agent screens) and keep them safe in encrypted storage.
  2. Analyze 100% of these captured interactions to detect trends, automate your quality process, and identify where good and bad customer service occur.
  3. Optimize agent performance with multi-channel evaluations, real-time agent desktop monitoring and assistance, and automated scoring and evaluation selection. Then fine-tune your agent training and enablement efforts to help them get better.
  4. Use all that performance-enhanced training, combined with gamification (that time really is now) to seriously improve your agents’ job satisfaction and mental health.  

Obviously, all this capability (and believe me there’s a lot more) seamlessly works with your existing Salesforce, Zendesk, Oracle, and ServiceNow technology, allowing the whole business to garner deeper and richer metrics to greater analysis and insight. Not only this, a good  WFO implementation can save you bottom-line budget dollars, and we’ve made it easy to find out how much!

This is how your business pivots from survival to “thrival” – so come and talk to me on Twitter or contact Five9 to find out how we and our world-class network of partners will help your CX initiatives achieve the next level of success.

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Thomas John VP Channels EMEA

Thomas John is Vice President of Channels for Five9 with a proven 23 year track record in Telephony and IT, especially focused on Enterprise Cloud Contact centre, Web & Mobile Unified Communications, Agent and Customer Experience as well as Journey Analytics to measure their effectiveness. Focused on the EMEA geography, Thomas has developed the Five9 partner ecosystem into a balanced, powerful and successful route to market.