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Employee Engagement

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[LIVE WEBINAR] 5 Trends in AI Innovation to Create an Intelligent Cloud Contact Center

Empowering agents with artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the customer and agent experience. By removing repetitive, mundane tasks, AI innovation will give agents the additional time they need to interact with customers’ on a human level and to personalize the customer service process.
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[WEBINAR] 4 Ways to Modernize Your CX Now

How can organizations differentiate their business? It’s quite simple: offer the lowest prices or deliver extraordinary customer experiences.
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The Importance of Empowering Your Contact Center Agents

Your agents ARE your customer experience. It’s as simple as that. For customers, the agent helping them often makes or breaks their customer experience.
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Your Agents are Your Customer Experience

The role of the contact center is crucial for businesses. In today’s digital economy, for many companies the only time a consumer engages with them is through the contact center which has become the front door and face of the business. Customer service agents are now responsible for their brand’s customer experience as fewer and fewer consumers engage face-to-face with an employee in a store or branch.
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[WEBINAR] 5 Customer Experience Pitfalls to Avoid

Quality customer experience is vital for every business. However, enterprises continue to make common CX mistakes that often lead to agent turnover and the loss of key customer insights that are crucial to winning and keeping business.
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[WEBINAR] Practical Ways to Boost Agent Morale

Is agent morale a top challenge for your team? Providing extraordinary customer experience can be tasking to the most experienced agent. Pizza parties, contests, and ping pong tables are fun, but they’re not enough to move the needle.
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How Important is Workforce Optimization?

When companies first launch their business, they are often too wrapped up in startup mode to foresee the needs of business at scale. At some point the inefficiencies of working without formal tools to effectively manage their workforce start to make themselves known and companies realize there are easier ways to work that can also transform the customer experience.
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[Webinar] Improving the Customer Journey with Workforce Optimization

On Tuesday, March 5th at 11 a.m. PT, I will be joined by Donna Fluss, President at DMG Consulting. We’ll be taking a deep dive into the latest and greatest WFO modules and trends that you can implement to help improve your WFO strategy.
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Why an Integrated Contact Center is Critical for Customer Experience

Talking about improving your customer experience is meaningless if you don’t have appropriately integrated systems and applications to deliver the experience. Your agents need contact center, CRM, WFO, and UC/collaboration integrated in order to deliver world-class customer service.
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What if RDR2 Arthur Morgan was a Call Center Representative?

What if Arthur Morgan was a call center agent and how could Five9 help improve his moral meter? Could Arthur ever recover and become an upstanding citizen like Jim Milton in the epilogue? Let’s take a sample call to show how and where Five9 could help improve Arthur’s moral meter.
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