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AI and Automation

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Contact Center Horror Stories

If you’ve ever worked in a contact center, you know that challenging customer behavior isn’t seasonal. But since October is a month of spooky and frightful things, we thought you might enjoy a few horror stories from the contact center realm.
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Five9 Knows Compliance: How the Cloud Helps you Shore-Up Practices and Secure Customer Data

If only life came with one of those Monopoly “get out of jail” free cards. Then we wouldn’t have to worry so much about things like compliance. But on the flip side, these compliance guidelines keep us safe. Let’s explore how today’s leading companies – large and small – leverage the Five9 Intelligent Cloud Contact Center to reduce stress, eliminate fines, and remain compliant.
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Five9 Knows Business Process Outsourcers

As a BPO, you must remain flexible enough to satisfy every client’s whim, while keeping costs in check and service levels satisfactory. Your success comes from managing to consistency in the business, all while providing a brand-match for your clients.
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Five9 and ServiceNow Combine AI Tools to Create Efficiency for Customers and Agents

Whether a customer engages with an IVA or a human service agent, Five9 and ServiceNow know how to ensure that you can provide a great experience.
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3 Ways Conversational AI is Transforming the Customer Journey

Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant have changed the customer experience forever. As consumers use these smart devices every day, they expect similar human-like and effortless automated conversations when interacting with companies. Hence, many contact centers are quickly adopting Conversational AI, to revamp the customer experience and automate routine tasks.
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Reimagining the case for caller 26 in the queue

EMEA Channel Development Director John Davis investigates the way Five9 IVA technology can help boost Customer Experience in your call center when used in conjunction with human agents through a fascinating UK use case.
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What’s Cookin’ with Five9 Global Systems Integrators

To draw a parallel between food and technology, the journey toward an effective AI strategy requires a lot of the same elements as a mind-blowing dish.
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CX Summit Spotlight: All eyes on AI

These days, artificial intelligence doesn’t always have to feel artificial. In fact, many organizations are using AI to create a more human customer experience. If you have ever wondered how this technology can improve service and operations in your contact center, then you won’t want to miss the AI track at this year’s Five9 CX Summit.
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Is Now the Time to Reimagine Your Customer Experience (CX) Strategy?

In the last few years, we have witnessed the world change drastically in ways that organizations could never have anticipated. In conjunction with environmental and social changes, we have also seen shifts and major advancements in innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. Because of this, leaders of customer experience (CX) must now face a big decision by asking, “Is now the time to reimagine the art of the possible for my CX strategy?” The answer is unequivocally yes.
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Reimagining the Contact Center Experience with Five9 VoiceStream

It has traditionally been difficult integrating real-time applications into the contact center and rightfully so--that's where Five9 VoiceStream comes into play to power such applications.
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