A colleague and I were recently discussing automated communications at scale and the conversation shifted into the difference between communication platform as a service (CPaaS), robotic process automation (RPA) and Workflow Automation. On the top level these terms felt very similar but once we drove into the definitions and their use cases it was eye opening in how these systems work together within a modern communication technology framework.
On Dec. 8th at 11 AM PST, we will host our annual live fireside chat with Rowan Trollope and Sheila McGee-Smith. Our industry experts will look ahead to 2021 and reveal 5 major contact center predictions that will help your enterprise thrive in the new year.
For some contact centers, coverage can be a big issue. Too many agents costs too much. Too few agents costs even more—in lost sales and lost loyalty. So predicting demand and staffing to match isn't just important—it's crucial.
Here are a few reasons why you should pay attention to agent scheduling:
Zevas Communications, a leading provider of outsourced and insource customer contact solutions, recently selected Five9 to power their contact centers across the globe. Today we are sharing a glimpse of our conversation with David Cashman, Chief Commercial Officer at Zevas Communications, to illustrate why Five9 was the perfect fit for Zevas.