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The 6 Logical Steps to Data Migration


Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.

As an on-premises enterprise contact center manager/supervisor/CEO, does “data migration” make you think “not an option?”  

We understand. Moving vast amounts of data while maintaining data consistency and integrity is a highly technical process that requires meticulous planning, communication, execution, and support.  

We know how valuable your data is. That’s why our data-migration process is ideal for transferring enterprise contact center data from on-premises systems to cloud-based platforms. According to Gartner, the percentage of contact centers that have already made the migration from on-premises to cloud stands at approximately 40% today. By 2027, less than three years from now, Gartner projects that percentage to climb to 60%.  

So, the momentum builds. Ultimately, you’ll need to make the move to the cloud.  Yet, it's natural for contact center leaders like you to hesitate about ditching a familiar system for an untested one.    

The 6 Logical Steps of Data Migration 

This no-nonsense, relentlessly functional blog discusses the six logical steps that we apply when migrating data from on-premises to cloud, and the capabilities and benefits Five9 offers in terms of data aggregation, integration, scalability, flexibility, and security.  

We address these six steps here in a general way because every data migration project has variables and exceptions. Here’s how we do it: 

  1. Assess Current State of Data: We learn the data structure, identify the applications that depend on it, and assess the infrastructure's readiness to support the migration. Usually, platforms are stable enough to get started right away.  

  1. Plan the Migration: Define the scope of the migration, identify target data, establish timelines and budgets, and assign roles and responsibilities for every team member integral to the migration. This critical step is the lynchpin of the entire process, and we take the time necessary to thoroughly complete it. 

  1. Prepare the Target Environment: Provision the IT infrastructure, configure software, and establish connectivity between the source and target systems. 

  1. Data Extraction: Five9 uses various tools and methods, including ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) processes, API integrations, or data replication to copy data from the source system to the target system. 

  1. Data Transformation: We apply data mapping, data conversion, and data validation to transform the data to meet the requirements of the target system. This step also involves expertise that other companies may not have in-house — like we do. Bottom line: it costs less money and takes less time for Five9 to complete the data transformation step.

  1. Data Loading: There are several stages to this step: validating the data, performing integrity checks, and ensuring data consistency.   

All of these steps proceed with no interruptions to your contact center operation.  

Preparation and Communication Are Key 

Five9 engages all stakeholders, including IT teams, business teams, and end users. We prepare them with the essential information and provide in-depth training. Clear communication about the migration timeline, scope, and impact ensures a smooth transition to your new cloud-based system. We’ve completed numerous data-migration projects at a global scope with no glitches or complications, and several more are in progress at this time. Because we have a proven and exclusive advantage: Five9 Aceyus VUE

Five9 Aceyus VUE Delivers Unique Capabilities 

The following list highlights what makes Five9 the optimal solution for data migration from an on-premises infrastructure to the cloud.  

  • Integration: Whether it's CRM systems, ERP systems, legacy systems, or custom applications, Five9 can connect to it and migrate data seamlessly. As we like to say, "if data is accessible, we will integrate it." 

  • Scalability: The Five9 Aceyus VUE platform can handle extremely large volumes of data, and our architecture allows for easy scaling up or down per business requirements. 

  • Flexibility: The modular architecture of the Five9 product suite enables businesses to choose the components they need and integrate them seamlessly with existing systems. 

  • Security: The platform uses advanced encryption technologies to protect data in transit and at rest, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality. 

  • Knowledge: Many Five9 employees have extensive experience in the contact center environment with expert knowledge of the various disparate systems in the market. We know the strengths and limitations of the most-common ACDs (Automatic Call Distribution), which allows us to help businesses like yours avoid the pitfalls and surprises that often plague on-premises-to-cloud transitions. 

Security Is Always a Main Concern 

Five9 ensures the security of our customers' data, whether it's on-premises, in transit, or in the cloud. With a multi-layered approach to security, Five9 protects all data against unauthorized access, theft, or loss. This includes data encryption, user access controls, and regular security audits to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities.  

Five9 also offers businesses the flexibility for you to choose the cloud provider that best suits your needs. This allows businesses to adopt the best security protocols, data privacy standards, and compliance certifications. We also back up all data for quick restoration in the event of any unforeseen issues.  

Your peace of mind is our top priority, which is why we keep your data secure and accessible throughout the entire data migration process. With our ability to keep businesses operational during the migration, our multi-layered approach to security, and our flexibility in cloud provider selection, Five9 is the ideal partner for businesses looking to move to the cloud.  

But wait, there’s more! 

Five9 Aceyus Lexicon Adds Value and Saves Time

Five9 Aceyus Lexicon automates data mapping and data transformation during the data migration process. A graphical interface maps data fields between source and target systems, reducing the need for manual intervention and minimizing risk of error.  

Lexicon creates custom data maps and transformations, ensuring data integrity and consistency across systems. In other words, Lexicon allows you to customize and rename data points that feed into your reports. This capability allows you to see your reports in the exact terminology already used by your organization. 

Lexicon adapts to changing data requirements and integrates with numerous data sources, including on-premises systems and cloud-based applications. The tool supports structured and unstructured data and handles large volumes of data with ease.  

Whether it’s data cleaning, enrichment, or validation — which helps ensure that the migrated data is accurate and complete — Lexicon’s automation capabilities speed up the data migration process, reduce downtime, and minimize business disruption.  

Five9 is a Valuable Data Migration Partner 

Five9 accelerates the migration process with increased efficiency and accuracy. By automating data mapping and transformation, businesses can minimize errors and ensure data integrity and consistency across systems.  

Five9 offers unlimited flexibility in handling various data formats and sources, along with our advanced data cleaning, enrichment, and validation capabilities. With no limitations on the kind of data it can integrate, Five9 specializes in handling the most complex data-migration projects.  


So, when it comes to data migration, there is winning choice after all.  


What’s Next? Contact Five9 today to learn more about how we can help your on-premises center achieve a seamless move to the cloud.   



Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.

Call 1-800-553-8159 to learn more about Five9