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Five9 Provides Frictionless CX at Microsoft Ignite


Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.

With all the big announcements at Ignite, we figured we’d revisit the fact that your customer and sales teams need the whole picture at their fingertips, regardless of what technology you use to provide that customer experience.   

By partnering tightly with the Microsoft ecosystem, Five9 enables companies building their CX and Sales infrastructure to really maximize their ability to provide frictionless CX to their customers and their customer’s customers. Rather than focus on buzzwords, let’s walk through a real life customer journey which orchestrates several different Microsoft and Five9 products to provide a transcendent customer experience.

Customer A is on your website and is looking to find out more about your products and how to buy.   The Microsoft Virtual Agent that you have enabled on your site engages with your customer, responding to customer questions about the nearest retail location and hours, as well as topical responses to product questions. For example, “Can I get this in large?”

But we know customers, sometimes they just want to talk to a real person. Maybe their question is complicated or they don’t trust the automated answers. That’s okay! Thankfully, Microsoft Virtual Agent is able to escalate the interaction to a Five9 phone call. All the customer needs to do is give Virtual Agent their phone number, and a Customer Service representative is queued to reach out on their next outbound call, and the process is completely automated for both the agent and customer. 

Now let’s focus on the agent for a second, the agent is put on an outbound call, but without customer context they are flying blind! Luckily, with the Five9 Agent Integration for Microsoft Dynamics 365, the customer’s CRM record and interaction history are automatically popped up for the agent, so they can be prepared for whatever the conversation is.

The agent is able to answer most of your customer’s questions, but there are some technical questions they don’t know so while still in Dynamics they look out into their Microsoft Teams community and sees presence and availability of an expert that can answer the customer’s question.  They immediately conference the expert into the call and the customer’s question is answered.   All within the same interaction; frictionless for both customer and agent!

Now the customer is happy and ends the call (taking a survey, of course), but we aren’t done yet. With the Five9 Agent Integrationall the information from the interaction is logged into your Dynamics 365 platform so you can keep your reporting all inside Dynamics, natively. And while all this was happening, the agent’s Manager has been watching the interaction, inside Dynamics, with Five9 Supervisor Dashboard, ready to give help or coaching as needed.

Now isn’t that a powerful experience? Both the customer and agent were able to switch between communication channels seamlessly, answer the customer need quickly, and give great Customer satisfaction, all without extra clicks or context switching. Thanks to the power of Five9 and Microsoft, great customer service is made simple, and it’s here today.

Feel free to contact us to find out more about how we can help you provide transcendent customer experiences.  Or stop by our booth at Ignite #2007, see you there!


Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.