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5 Ways to Create Customer Loyalty – It’s Customer Loyalty Month!


Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.

It was the summer of 1986 when I learned the value of a loyal customer. I was a waitress at Jacob Lake Resort on the North Rim of Grand Canyon in Arizona. Every morning the local construction workers would come in and get coffee. While the coffee only cost fifty cents, I found out if I made them laugh and smile they would not only give me a big tip but they would come back every day.

April is International Customer Loyalty Month which is a month for companies and their employees to make an extra push to create loyal customers. Loyal customers are customers who make repeat purchases and recommend your company in online reviews, customer references and referrals.

Here are key statistics on why customer loyalty matters:

Here are five ways you can create loyal customers, not only during customer loyalty month, but all year long:

  1. Show appreciation: Whether you send customers a hand-written note, call them or send them a nice gift, make sure to thank them for being a customer. Your customers always have a choice and you want their choice to be you.
  2. Engage: It’s 2017 and there are many ways to engage with your customers including social media, email, text and phone. The point is stay in touch with your customers because your competitors are trying to connect with them as well.
  3. Communicate: Send customers a monthly newsletter with company news, company successes, upcoming events/webinars and tips to help them be successful in their jobs.
  4. Listen: Survey your customers to ask how happy they are, ask for ways you can improve and then most important of all, listen and respond when they provide feedback.
  5. Provide superior customer service: According to Bain and Co. 80% of companies say they offer superior customer service, but only 8% of their customers agree. Five9 can help companies design their contact center to increase customer loyalty. Learn more.

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Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.