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Why Your New Era of CX 2024 Award Entry Matters More Than You Think

Jenn MacIver Edwards headshot
Jenn MacIver Edwards VP of Customer Experience

One of the biggest joys of being VP of Customer Experience at Five9 is celebrating all our amazing customers who are rockstars at CX innovation! This year, we’re hosting the New Era of CX Awards to recognize, honor, and showcase organizations that are literally redefining CX and AI in their businesses. We want you to enter and, personally, I really want to read your story because YOU are why all of us at Five9 love what we do! Before you enter, I want to take a moment and discuss why these awards matter. 

CX is hard work. Period. You invest countless hours gathering customer feedback, building teams, developing strategy, selecting technology, implementing it, refining processes, measuring outcomes, and then do it all over again. You get good at what you do, and your customers feel the difference. So do your teams. Hard work deserves recognition. 

But the New Era of CX Awards are about more than that. They’re about bringing into view the customers, the teams, and the people who make that innovation happen – shining a light on it inspires others to elevate their CX game, too. Sometimes you don’t know what’s possible until you see someone else doing it. And the organizations and leaders that tell their stories via our award entries shine a light for others who are looking for leaders in CX. 

You get to be that leader, whether you win or not. 

Every Five9 New Era of CX Award entrant has a rich and inspiring story to tell. But do you realize that your whole team benefits from telling your story? In the relentless pace of work, far too often we don’t take the time to pause, reflect on our journey, and identify just how much we’ve accomplished. 

While we’ve made the award entry process as effortless as possible, I know from experience that the act of compiling data, metrics, challenges you’ve overcome, and the outcomes you’ve realized all serves to inspire you and your team. You’ll look back and be in wonder. That has deep value. Your CX story will showcase your accomplishments across your organization, too – helping you gain buy in for future CX initiatives. 

Share Your Story

So, please, honor the truly great work you’re doing in CX. Take the time by October 11th to enter the New Era of CX Awards and let us celebrate your journey with you. Winners will be announced in early November with a formal recognition at the Five9 CX Summit in Barcelona on November 13th. 

All the deets are on the website, but here’s a quick rundown of what you need to know. 

Who can enter?

Any current Five9 customer or Five9 partner customer, globally. You can apply for more than one category.  

What are the categories? 

  • AI-Elevated CX Trailblazer. Celebrates visionary leadership in seamlessly integrating Five9 AI into their CX and EX strategies. Highlighting CX excellence, growth, and impact, this category is driven by people and powered by AI. 

  • Best CX Self-Service. Honors the organization that has expertly harnessed the Five9 Intelligent CX Platform to create seamless customer experiences across touchpoints. You’ve realized the advantages of a unified, cloud-based, AI-driven platform in optimizing costs, streamlining workflows, enhancing employee retention, and boosting customer satisfaction. 

  • Best CX Platform Innovator. Honors leadership and innovation using the Five9 Intelligent CX Platform's ecosystem of partners to up-level customer and employee experiences. Show how your organization has leveraged the platform's agility, flexibility, and intelligence to meet the expectations of your customers and the demands of your markets.

  • Most Trusted Expert Award. Recognizes standout leaders and teams who have partnered with Five9 to achieve employee experience excellence. You empower and scale your people using cutting-edge tools for anywhere, anytime work such as digital interaction recording, analytics, quality and performance management, and gamification.

  • CX Leader of the Year. Celebrates an organization and/or leader that uses the Five9 Intelligent CX Platform to blend CX excellence with social good. You’ve implemented AI with a human touch, navigated data and regulation challenges, and leveraged systems integrations to boost customer and employee experiences, drive growth, and make a positive impact. 

What will make my entry stand out?

A good before-and-after Five9 story, along with key metrics like revenue growth, employee satisfaction, CSAT, Net Promotor Score, agent productivity, and savings (in dollars, percentages, or ranges). We want to know the challenges or opportunities you were facing, why you chose Five9, how you’ve used Five9 to achieve your goals, and the measurable outcomes you’re realizing. 

What’s the prize?  

Winners will receive a personalized award, a Five9 branded merchandise box, a digital promotion package including social posts with customer-branded graphics, and opportunities to engage with media. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to celebrate how far you’ve come and how creative your team is! 

I’m rooting for you! And we’re here to help if you need any entry guidance. 

Questions? Contact Kathleen Shepherd, Customer Marketing at  

Jenn MacIver Edwards headshot
Jenn MacIver Edwards VP of Customer Experience

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