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How to Go from Digital “Eh” to Digital “Wow”

Blair Pleasant is President & Principal Analyst of COMMfusion LLC and a co-founder of, an industry resource on the growing UC arena. She provides consulting and market research analysis on voice/data convergence markets, applications, and technologies, aimed at helping end-user and vendor clients both strategically and tactically. Prior to COMMfusion, Ms. Pleasant was Director of Communications Analysis for The PELORUS Group, a market research and consulting firm, and President of Lower Falls Consulting.

When’s the last time you picked up a phone for a customer service issue or to make a purchase? If you’re like most people, you probably went to the business’ website, and then engaged through webchat, or possibly a messaging app like WhatsApp. Digital interactions have become the norm, and organizations that fail to offer a range of digital options in addition to voice are missing out. 

Customers want to connect and interact with businesses through their channel of choice – whether that’s voice (phone), email, webchat, SMS/text, video or social messaging (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc.). They expect their brands to offer a range of channel options because different situations require different channels. For example, a customer asking about an expected product delivery can quickly get help through a social messaging app, webchat, or an AI-assisted chatbot. On the other hand, a more complex issue, like a car insurance claim, might require email for sharing documents and photos. Or for assistance with a complicated mortgage application, video engagement might be ideal. Meanwhile, a customer rebooking a flight after a stressful cancellation might prefer a real-time voice call.  

The key is that there's no one ‘right’ channel – customers have different preferences depending on the situation. Organizations must offer a variety of channels based on customer preference, demand, and what aligns with their business model.  

To meet these needs, organizations must develop digital engagement strategies. By balancing the needs of both the consumer and the business, you can boost agent productivity, enhance CX, and build ongoing customer loyalty.  

Digital Benefits

Digital channels offer meaningful benefits for both businesses and customers.  

For Businesses:

  • Cost Savings: Email and webchat costs are roughly half those of voice services

  • Enhanced Agent Efficiency: Agents can manage multiple text, chat, and messaging interactions simultaneously, unlike voice and video channels where they handle one interaction at a time

  • Context Continuity: Just like personal text chats, interactions with brands maintain history and context, simplifying re-engagement and follow-up

  • Automation Efficiency: Chatbots and virtual agents handle routine tasks, increasing overall efficiency

  • 24/7 Service: Provides continuous support regardless of location or time zone

  • Improved Customer Relationships: Strengthens customer loyalty and long-term engagement

For Customers:

  • Flexibility: Choice of channel and seamless transition between them enhances the overall experience

  • Increased Self-Service Options: Customers can access a range of self-service capabilities – on a company’s website or mobile app, a messaging app, or over the phone

  • 24/7 Self-Service: Around-the-clock support regardless of geography

  • Rich Media Communication: Facilitates easy sharing of photos, videos, documents, and other media

  • Proactive Engagement: Businesses can reach out to customers with valuable updates and notifications, such as appointment reminders, order confirmation, product shipments, and updates 

Keeping Up with Change

A digital engagement strategy isn’t a “one and done” deal – it should be constantly evolving. For example, new interaction channels are frequently added to the mix as technology progresses. What started with voice has evolved to a variety of digital channels, and the addition of AI and Generative AI requires new approaches to ensure effectiveness as well as customer safety and privacy. With the constant rate of change, today’s chatbots may become outdated in the flash of an eye.   

Staying current requires a modern cloud-based contact center platform that provides omnichannel, multimodal capabilities. This enables customers to switch fluidly between channels and modes as needed. As AI capabilities grow more powerful, and as the types of CX-related use cases expand, businesses must work with vendors offering flexible platforms. These platforms should take advantage of new AI models and capabilities that deliver true business value. 

Practice Best Practices

Organizations can greatly improve their customer service by following digital engagement best practices:

  1. Lead with a Digital-First Strategy: Your strategy needs to focus on people, technology, and processes, as well as unifying channels and eliminating silos that hinder service

  1. Select the Right Channels: Choose digital channels based on customer preferences and usage patterns

  1. Keep Voice Options Available: Recognize that voice remains essential for customers who prefer speaking with a live agent

  1. Deploy AI Wisely: Use AI where it provides the most value and avoid hasty implementation. Partner with a vendor experienced in CX-focused AI solutions

  1. Monitor and Adjust: Continuously track channel usage, customer satisfaction, and business outcomes, then refine your processes accordingly 

Are you ready for digital service interactions that make your customers say “wow”? For more detailed insights on digital engagement and how you can get the most out of your digital investments, read Five9’s new E-Book, Unlocking Success: Strategies for Digital Channel Mastery in Contact Centers

Blair Pleasant is President & Principal Analyst of COMMfusion LLC and a co-founder of, an industry resource on the growing UC arena. She provides consulting and market research analysis on voice/data convergence markets, applications, and technologies, aimed at helping end-user and vendor clients both strategically and tactically. Prior to COMMfusion, Ms. Pleasant was Director of Communications Analysis for The PELORUS Group, a market research and consulting firm, and President of Lower Falls Consulting.

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