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Five9 is Taking Partnerships to the Next Level in 2021

Jake Butterbaugh Five9 Vice President, Global Channel Sales

As we happily begin 2021, I find myself looking back at 2020 and thinking, "Well, that wasn't entirely bad." Of course, there have certainly been some rough times for most of us, but being the optimist that I am, I always find a silver lining.  And the partnership growth at Five9 was that silver lining for me. So, let’s take a look back on 2020 and share a few of our aspirations for channel growth in 2021.  

I want to start off with a couple of my 2020 blessings. Personally, living in the new normal, I was able to spend more time with my family and create memories that we will undoubtedly look back on forever. Professionally, I am grateful to be working for Five9. Not only do we provide valuable solutions to the market, but we are also part of an industry that has grown during the pandemic and helped many organizations keep their employees working during shelter in place orders.

At Five9, our partners are an extension of our strategies and our culture. We believe in delivering the best customer experience combined with the best agent experience. We know that the partner experience is the exponential effect to deliver these capabilities at a fully global market scale.

I attribute our success in 2020 to being laser-focused on building a more robust "selling together" mindset. It is the proper way to scale and deliver exceptional partner engagements and better customer experiences. Especially in Q3 and Q4, our partners began providing more workloads and additional customer value via the expanded Five9 solution portfolio. I'm proud of the trust our partners share with Five9; they help us be exponentially more successful in delivering excellence. 

In 2021, Five9 has three strategic initiatives that will guide our organization to improve our partner business and the value they deliver to their customers:  

  1. Taking our partnerships to the next level with greater investment in our partner program, resources, and portfolio options to help partners continue to grow and expand their business. As part of this initiative, on February 4th, Five9 is hosting our inaugural virtual Partner Sales Kick-Off event. Five9 will share our corporate vision, partner program enhancements, new resources, and tools to improve our program efficiencies and ensure our mutual success in 2021.
  2. Providing a frictionless Five9 partner experience that starts with lead identification and ends with long-term customer satisfaction and retention. In 2021, Five9 will continue to improve these areas, including launching some key automation and partner portal enhancements.
  3. Empowering partner excellence and enabling them to deliver the best customer experience solutions on the planet. We will launch new certifications and training content, introduce more professional service integration capabilities, and much more.

 Five9 is proud of our partnerships and our strategies to achieve continued success in 2021. If you’re a partner, we look forward to seeing you at this year’s Partner Sales Kick-Off event. To learn more about the Five9 Global Partner Program and our complete Partner Ecosystem, please visit or reach out to one of our global channel sales team members.

Jake Butterbaugh Five9 Vice President, Global Channel Sales

Call 1-800-553-8159 to learn more about Five9