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Speeding Up With The Cloud

Sabine Winterkamp
Sabine Winterkamp Vice President of International Marketing

Building a contact center of the future starts with the choices you make today. If you’re like many organizations, your current on-premise solution is close to end-of-live or your contracts might be ending. This is the time where you have the opportunity to decide whether to stay with an on-premise solution or move your contact center to the cloud. One of the primary decision factors is the impact on customer experience. Better customer experience yields higher customer retention and loyalty, which results in higher revenue.

But this is not the only factor you should consider! Many organizations are working with constrained budgets that need to be leveraged to meet high customer expectations and demands. Contact centers are also becoming a highly visible function of businesses that reports to the C-Suite and must demonstrate impact on ROI. 

So how do you choose? On-Premise? Cloud? What should you do? Which one is right for you? Cloud contact center or Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) has become increasingly popular due to its improved speed, efficiency, flexibility, lower cost, as well as the ability to drive better experiences for both, customers and agents.

Let’s take a look at some pros and cons of the cloud:

  • Flexible subscription-based contract
  • Low investment with no hardware or infrastructure
  • Fast implementation cycle
  • No IT resources required for system updates
  • Always on the latest software version
  • Provides multi-location control of where data is stored - particularly helpful in face of the EU’s GDPR regulations
  • Agents can work remotely, all they need are a computer with internet and a headset

Cloud offers a new path for improved customer experiences. It also drives better agent experiences which is critical in employee retention, productivity and satisfaction. As you consider your options, keep the following factors in mind for any vendor you evaluate.

A cloud contact center vendor should provide:

Personalized experiences via an intelligent workflow engine that maps the customer journey. Reporting and analytics that inform smart routing and an omnichannel experience with self-service and agent assisted options.

Cloud innovation the drives an agile, scalable environment to meet and exceed the needs of today’s business. Cloud vendors born in the cloud should be customizable, offer analytics and a future-proof evolution to ensure your customers get uninterrupted service today and in the future.

Trusted partnerships with a high-touch approach that features continuous optimization, implementation support, compliance assurance, and at minimum a 99.995% uptime

Seamless integration through open ecosystems and APIs that maximize, extend and customize your contact center.

Not all cloud contact center providers are the same. We at Five9 are here to give you insights on how cloud can transform your customer service and help you move your contact center to the cloud.


Sabine Winterkamp
Sabine Winterkamp Vice President of International Marketing