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Challenges and Opportunities of the Ever Changing Customer Interactions

Sabine Winterkamp
Sabine Winterkamp Vice President of International Marketing

Customer interactions have drastically changed in the last couple of years. Today you see more interaction channels, more convenience, more devices - most can relate to always-on.

I, as a user, have not turned off my mobile device for months. Have you? 

I always have my mobile device with me. As you can imagine, as a marketer, I use the social channel apps throughout the day for my job. I use them at events and when I am traveling, to post and share pictures about what’s going on, what I see, and more. I follow many influencers and analysts in the market, as I like to be up to date on trends and innovations.

This always-on mentality can be a big opportunity at your company but also a challenge for your customer service. Customers are expecting service around the clock, across channels. If businesses are engaging with customers on their preferred channel, and delivering an excellent customer experience no matter which channel, then perfect. These companies are doing something right.

If businesses are not keeping up with the customer expectations, and delivering a limited customer service, these companies will need to rethink their strategy. Doing so to ensure they aren't losing customers due to insufficient service and availability.

Living in EMEA and always on the go, I personally contact companies at no-so traditional hours. This is the same for many consumers.

There are many opportunities today to make it right for customer service. Moving to the cloud is just one solution. More and more businesses are using cloud solutions today. This includes CRM or WFM integrations in the contact center to help agents deliver excellent service.

I talk to many companies in the industry for my job. And the message I get is almost the same from every company: More and more companies worldwide select cloud solutions to be fast, flexible, scalable and cost efficient. Not many internal budget fights for hardware and infrastructure, as it's not necessary when using cloud solutions.

Are you ready for the cloud? If not, you risk getting left behind.

Sabine Winterkamp
Sabine Winterkamp Vice President of International Marketing