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Tired of the Same Challenges? How a Ferry Company Brought their Customer Service into the 21st Century

Sabine Winterkamp
Sabine Winterkamp Vice President of International Marketing

Companies, like people, often tolerate inconvenience and inefficient processes because the decision to change can be hard and daunting. But companies that decide to digitally transform find that leaving behind out-dated, 20th century technology, processes, and workflows has immediate rewards, including improving customer satisfaction. 

A ferry company founded in the 1960s found that by moving to Five9, they quickly solved long-term problems that were frustrating customers and agents. For years, they had used an outdated contact centre system that required agents to be in the office, couldn’t handle spikes in call volumes, had no chat or email features, and was disconnected from their CRM and other systems - a lot of silos and challenges for a company.  

Moving to a modern experience

Companies like this choose Five9 for its scalability in handling unlimited numbers of calls, and because it could easily enable agents to work from home or any other location whenever needed. Five9 fully integrates with their existing technologies including its CRM, Microsoft Dynamics, so agents now have customer information on screen when answering calls. They can also have the ability to use email or chat through the platform. 

This transportation company immediately saw benefits by moving from outdated software to a cloud-based solution. Agents can work from home when needed, all calls are routed and answered, they can use chat and email, and Five9 is integrated into the existing CRM so agents have customer information immediately as they answer calls, without having to ask customers for it. 

You can make the leap, too

This is just one example of how moving to an intelligent cloud contact centre solution can quickly improve your customer service. If your organization is struggling with the pain of old, outdated technology, disconnected systems, inefficiencies, and agent and customer frustration, you can make the decision to change.

Discover what Five9 can do for you.

Sabine Winterkamp
Sabine Winterkamp Vice President of International Marketing