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[PODCAST] Why Culture Isn't a Philosophy - It's a Daily Activity

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Kendall Taylor Corporate Communications Manager

Kendall Taylor specializes in social media, internal communications, media relations, employee advocacy, and corporate communications. She is a huge fan of Inferno Pilates, the Kansas City Chiefs, and Arrested Development. Kendall holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in strategic communications from the University of Nevada.

Company culture. You’ve probably already seen that topic in your feed today. Here’s the deal: Company culture isn’t a philosophy. It’s an activity.


Sound like wise words?


They come from Tricia Yankovich, our VP of HR here at Five9.


She hopped on our That’s Genius! podcast to deliver a few truths about company culture:


1: Culture has to be practiced on the daily


For better or worse, your company’s culture is a culmination of the behaviors, the values, and the attitudes of employees that happen on a day-to-day basis.


2: Good culture = retention + acquisition = happy customers


In today’s competitive job market, an inspiring company culture can attract new talent as well as retain experienced staff members seeking further growth.


Valued employees value their customers, leading to higher client satisfaction.


3: Systems and process must align with values


If you want your employees to practice certain values, ensure the systems and processes in place encourage those behaviors.


Make the swim lanes conducive to the culture you are ultimately trying to replicate.


For the full interview with Tricia, click here.


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Kendall Taylor Corporate Communications Manager

Kendall Taylor specializes in social media, internal communications, media relations, employee advocacy, and corporate communications. She is a huge fan of Inferno Pilates, the Kansas City Chiefs, and Arrested Development. Kendall holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in strategic communications from the University of Nevada.