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3 Businesses That Said Goodbye to Their Legacy Solutions


Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.

It’s the first day of spring and that means it’s time to do spring cleaning. One of the things you probably want to look at first is your contact center. Of the 15.8 million contact center agents around the world, 90% of these agents are operating on legacy, premise-based solutions.

The main issue we’ve seen customers run into with legacy, premise-based providers is that the solutions are incapable of being flexible enough to grow with the business. “Outdated” or “end-of-life” are common themes we will hear from customers who need a new solution that can partner and grow with their needs. Here are three customers who made the switch to Five9 and said goodbye to their legacy premise-based solutions:

  1. Appointment setting BPO: This company was using a solution which provided only a 3% call answer rate. They were lacking agent productivity and wanted a solution with multiple dialing capabilities to improve their answer rate. In addition, they needed a cloud solution to relieve them of infrastructure and IT resource costs. Other goals for the company included more advanced call reporting, and flexibility and scalability to facilitate growth.
  1. Clothing exchange e-commerce retailer: Most of their customer service inquiries were coming through email and chat, but the retailer was using an on-premise PBX system to receive a limited number of phone calls. Recently, they saw many negative reviews about their customer service due to long response time. They realized that if they were going to scale their phone service, they would need a way to monitor the calls and report on the agents’ productivity.
  1. Traditional consumer bank: This organization operates on mostly inbound calls from their customers to handle day-to-day banking transactions. They were using a traditional premise-based PBX with basic routing capabilities. The legacy solution offered no visibility for call quality or service quality, and no way to measure the call queue or provide any other way for their customers to contact them like chat, email or self-service.

Today’s customers demand faster service, knowledgeable agents, and a variety of ways to communicate. The only way to keep up and stay ahead of these trends is to have your contact center operating in a flexible, scalable, easy to maintain, cloud environment.

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Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software for the digital enterprise, bringing the power of cloud innovation to customers and facilitating more than three billion customer interactions annually.