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5 Things You Should Know Before Moving Your Contact Center to the Cloud

Even if the rest of the business applications have moved to the cloud, the contact center is one of the last applications to be modernized.
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Cloud Contact Centre and CRM Solutions - The Perfect Combination

Today, more and more enterprises are adopting cloud-based technology in all areas of business operations to bring greater benefits, like cost savings, ease of integration, and scalability.
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The Challenge & Solution for Next Generation Customer Service

Great customer service is the key to increased customer retention and loyalty for any company. The contact centre is the central hub of customer engagement, regardless of the preferred channel of the customer.
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3 Questions to Ask Before Partnering With That Company

I have led many business development teams over the years and what I have learned is that there are three main reasons to partner with a company, and three questions to ask, every single time.
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How Do You Know If a Channel Partner Program is Right For You?

Strategic partnerships with master agents, system integrators and resellers will help drive expansion for our company’s channel partner program.
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Customer Experience - Execution = Contact Center Hallucination

Thomas Edison once said “a vision without execution is a hallucination,” and I couldn’t agree more. Was he referring to the contact center industry? Probably not, but it is no less a relevant thought. Since the dawn of contact centers, the vision for the industry has always been to...
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Agent Apathy: Your Company's Achilles Heel?

Companies with a reputation for excellent customer service become the gold standard that everyone measures themselves against, for example, and Virgin America. Their excellent service and the low effort required for customers to get answers sets them apart from their competitors and builds raving fans out of their customer base. Yet the needs of contact center agents in any industry – the very people responsible for nurturing the customer experience – are often overlooked.
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Addressing Contact Center Surges Starts By Preparing in Advance

Imagine the chaos during peak times for customer service: florists on Valentine’s Day, retailers during the holidays, tax planners around April 15th and the application period for online schooling. One of the biggest challenges contact centers face is being able to quickly address staffing surges and peaks in activities in a short amount of time. Today, cloud technology and at-home agents are helping mitigate some of that chaos... Read on to hear advice from Liz Osborn on addressing contact center surges:
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Future of the Contact Center: 7 Key Trends Driving a Massive Transformation (Part 2)

Contact centers are under pressure to adapt to the rapidly changing technology landscape and consumer expectations. There are seven key trends that will impact contact centers as they evolve to meet these shifting expectations. Read on to learn about trends #2 & #3:
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Future of the Contact Center: 7 Key Trends Driving a Massive Transformation (Part 1)

There is no doubt that we're in the midst of a sea change when it comes to consumer behavior. New technologies have completely transformed consumer expectations and buying behavior, making it more difficult for brands to acquire new customers and earn their loyalty. Contact centers are now under pressure to adapt to the rapidly changing technology landscape and consumer expectations. There are seven key trends that will impact contact centers as they evolve to meet these shifting expectations.
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