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AI and Automation

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[PODCAST] How the Contact Center is Poised to Change in the Next Five Years, Pt. 3

Check out more of Rowan Trollope's thoughts on the intersection of AI and humans in contact centers by listening to the latest episode of That’s Genius!
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[PODCAST] How the Contact Center is Poised to Change in the Next Five Years with Rowan Trollope, Part 2

On today’s episode of That’s Genius! podcast, Michael Rose continues his interview with Five9 CEO, Rowan Trollope, as they discuss what the future holds for the contact center in an increasingly automated world.
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[PODCAST] How AI Will Provide the Ultimate Contact Center Experience

When you think “contact center,” you probably think of static scripts. And being put on hold. But all that is about to change.
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[PODCAST] The 2 Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before Launching Any AI Product

What’s the strategy? A simple, but unmissable question for every product launch.
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[PODCAST] How the Contact Center is Poised to Change in the Next Five Years with Rowan Trollope

Is your AI intuitive enough that customers actually look forward to engaging with your call center? If not, don’t worry. They will be--it’s only a matter of time.
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What Drives Brand Loyalty?

Customer experience has been increasing in importance across the business landscape for the past decade. It’s no longer enough to have a phenomenal product or service – the experience customers encounter along their journey has become paramount.
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When Is Too Much Technology Bad?

With artificial intelligence taking the forefront of most industries, what is next? Will there be a time when too much technological innovation is bad?
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At Five9, We’re Excited about Agent Assistance!

This week marks a real milestone in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the modern contact center. On stage at Google Next, and on the show floor, Salesforce is showing off the three-way integration between Google’s Contact Center AI product, Five9, and Service Cloud.
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Does CX Really Matter?

I spoke a few weeks ago at CCW2019 in Berlin about “The Voice of the Customer.” In essence, we discussed if CX is still important and how should organizations strive to continuously improve their customer experience offerings from their call centers, and how it measuring up towards today’s customer expectations.
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Why an Integrated Contact Center is Critical for Customer Experience

Talking about improving your customer experience is meaningless if you don’t have appropriately integrated systems and applications to deliver the experience. Your agents need contact center, CRM, WFO, and UC/collaboration integrated in order to deliver world-class customer service.
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